North Carolina
North Carolina Flag
North Carolina Flag
North Carolina's state flag was officially adopted in 1861 - at the beginning of the Civil War.
It was updated in 1865, when the state's initials were added to the original flag of red, white and blue, and placed to the left and right of the white star.
The upper date, May 20th, 1775, commemorates the first meeting of North Carolina citizens that were declaring their freedom from Great Britain. The lower date, April 12th, 1776, commemorates the first official action by an entire colony calling for independence from Britain.
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North Carolina Photographs

Official Seal of the State of North Carolina
North Carolina Cities, Counties & Area Codes
City | County | Area Code |
Burlington | Alamance | 336 |
Taylorsville | Alexander | 828 |
Sparta | Alleghany | 336 |
Wadesboro | Anson | 704 |
West Jefferson | Ashe | 336 |
Newland | Avery | 828 |
Washington | Beaufort | 252 |
Windsor | Bertie | 252 |
Elizabethtown | Bladen | 910 |
Leland | Brunswick | 910 |
Asheville | Buncombe | 828 |
Morganton | Burke | 828 |
Concord | Cabarrus | 704 |
Lenoir | Caldwell | 828 |
Camden | Camden | 252 |
Newport | Carteret | 252 |
Yanceyville | Caswell | 336 |
Hickory | Catawba | 828 |
Chapel Hill | Chatham | 919 |
Murphy | Cherokee | 828 |
Edenton | Chowan | 252 |
Hayesville | Clay | 828 |
Shelby | Cleveland | 704 |
Whiteville | Columbus | 910 |
New Bern | Craven | 252 |
Fayetteville | Cumberland | 910 |
Moyock | Currituck | 252 |
Kill Devil Hills | Dare | 252 |
Lexington | Davidson | 336 |
Mocksville | Davie | 336 |
Wallace | Duplin | 910 |
Durham | Durham | 919 |
Rocky Mount | Edgecombe | 252 |
Winston Salem | Forsyth | 336 |
Louisburg | Franklin | 919 |
Gastonia | Gaston | 704 |
Gates | Gates | 252 |
Robbinsville | Graham | 828 |
Oxford | Granville | 919 |
Snow Hill | Greene | 252 |
Greensboro | Guilford | 336 |
Roanoke Rapids | Halifax | 252 |
Dunn | Harnett | 910 |
Waynesville | Haywood | 828 |
Hendersonville | Henderson | 828 |
Ahoskie | Hertford | 252 |
Raeford | Hoke | 910 |
Engelhard | Hyde | 252 |
Mooresville | Iredell | 704 |
Sylva | Jackson | 828 |
Clayton | Johnston | 919 |
Trenton | Jones | 252 |
Sanford | Lee | 336 |
Kinston | Lenoir | 252 |
Lincolnton | Lincoln | 704 |
Franklin | Macon | 828 |
Marshall | Madison | 828 |
Williamston | Martin | 252 |
Marion | McDowell | 828 |
Charlotte | Mecklenburg | 704 |
Spruce Pine | Mitchell | 828 |
Troy | Montgomery | 910 |
Pinehurst | Moore | 910 |
Rocky Mount | Nash | 252 |
Wilmington | New Hanover | 910 |
Garysburg | Northampton | 252 |
Jacksonville | Onslow | 910 |
Chapel Hill | Orange | 919 |
Bayboro | Pamlico | 252 |
Elizabeth City | Pasquotank | 252 |
Hampstead | Pender | 910 |
Hertford | Perquimans | 252 |
Roxboro | Person | 336 |
Greenville | Pitt | 252 |
Tryon | Polk | 828 |
Asheboro | Randolph | 336 |
Rockingham | Richmond | 910 |
Lumberton | Robeson | 910 |
Reidsville | Rockingham | 336 |
Salisbury | Rowan | 704 |
Forest City | Rutherford | 828 |
Clinton | Sampson | 910 |
Laurinburg | Scotland | 910 |
Albemarle | Stanly | 704 |
King | Stokes | 336 |
Mount Airy | Surry | 336 |
Bryson City | Swain | 828 |
Brevard | Transylvania | 828 |
Columbia | Tyrrell | 252 |
Monroe | Union | 704 |
Henderson | Vance | 252 |
Cary | Wake | 919 |
Raleigh | Wake | 919 |
Warrenton | Warren | 252 |
Plymouth | Washington | 252 |
Boone | Watauga | 828 |
Goldsboro | Wayne | 919 |
North Wilkesboro | Wilkes | 336 |
Wilson | Wilson | 252 |
Yadkinville | Yadkin | 336 |
Burnsville | Yancey | 828 |