Ohio Flag
Ohio Flag
The 17 stars in the blue field represent Ohio becoming the 17th state, and the 13 stars surrounded the state's initial (in white), are symbolic of the original 13 colonies.
The red, white and blue are taken from the flag of the United States of America, the Stars and Stripes.
LARGER FLAG: View this flag at 800 pixels wide here!
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Ohio Photographs

Ohio Cities, Counties & Area Codes
City | County | Area Code |
West Union | Adams | 937 |
Lima | Allen | 419 |
Ashland | Ashland | 419 |
Ashtabula | Ashtabula | 440 |
Athens | Athens | 740 |
Wapakoneta | Auglaize | 419 |
Saint Clairsville | Belmont | 740 |
Florence | Boone | 859 |
Mount Orab | Brown | 937 |
Hamilton | Butler | 513 |
Carrollton | Carroll | 330 |
Urbana | Champaign | 937 |
Springfield | Clark | 937 |
Loveland | Clermont | 513 |
Wilmington | Clinton | 937 |
Salem | Columbiana | 330 |
Coshocton | Coshocton | 740 |
Bucyrus | Crawford | 419 |
Cleveland | Cuyahoga | 216 |
Greenville | Darke | 937 |
Defiance | Defiance | 419 |
Delaware | Delaware | 740 |
Sandusky | Erie | 419 |
Lancaster | Fairfield | 740 |
Washington Court House | Fayette | 740 |
Columbus | Franklin | 614 |
Swanton | Fulton | 419 |
Gallipolis | Gallia | 740 |
Chardon | Geauga | 440 |
Dayton | Greene | 937 |
Cambridge | Guernsey | 740 |
Cincinnati | Hamilton | 513 |
Findlay | Hancock | 419 |
Kenton | Hardin | 419 |
Cadiz | Harrison | 740 |
Napoleon | Henry | 419 |
Hillsboro | Highland | 937 |
Logan | Hocking | 740 |
Millersburg | Holmes | 330 |
Norwalk | Huron | 419 |
Jackson | Jackson | 740 |
Steubenville | Jefferson | 740 |
Mount Vernon | Knox | 740 |
Mentor | Lake | 440 |
Ironton | Lawrence | 740 |
Newark | Licking | 740 |
Bellefontaine | Logan | 937 |
Lorain | Lorain | 440 |
Toledo | Lucas | 419 |
London | Madison | 740 |
Youngstown | Mahoning | 330 |
Marion | Marion | 740 |
Medina | Medina | 330 |
Pomeroy | Meigs | 740 |
Celina | Mercer | 419 |
Troy | Miami | 937 |
Woodsfield | Monroe | 740 |
Dayton | Montgomery | 937 |
McConnelsville | Morgan | 740 |
Mount Gilead | Morrow | 419 |
Zanesville | Muskingum | 740 |
Caldwell | Noble | 740 |
Port Clinton | Ottawa | 419 |
Paulding | Paulding | 419 |
Thornville | Perry | 740 |
Circleville | Pickaway | 740 |
Waverly | Pike | 740 |
Kent | Portage | 330 |
Eaton | Preble | 937 |
Ottawa | Putnam | 419 |
Mansfield | Richland | 419 |
Chillicothe | Ross | 740 |
Fremont | Sandusky | 419 |
Portsmouth | Scioto | 740 |
Tiffin | Seneca | 419 |
Sidney | Shelby | 937 |
Canton | Stark | 330 |
Akron | Summit | 330 |
Warren | Trumbull | 330 |
New Philadelphia | Tuscarawas | 330 |
Marysville | Union | 937 |
Van Wert | Van Wert | 419 |
McArthur | Vinton | 740 |
Mason | Warren | 513 |
Marietta | Washington | 740 |
Wooster | Wayne | 330 |
Bryan | Williams | 419 |
Perrysburg | Wood | 419 |
Upper Sandusky | Wyandot | 419 |
USA States
This page was last updated on August 24, 2020.