Illinois Flag
Illinois Flag
The flag was adopted in 1915, and features elements of the official state seal, including a bald eagle and the Stars and Stripes shield.LARGER FLAG: View this flag at 800 pixels wide here!
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Illinois Cities, Counties & Area Codes
City | County | Area Code |
Quincy | Adams | 217 |
Cairo | Alexander | 618 |
Greenville | Bond | 618 |
Belvidere | Boone | 815 |
Mount Sterling | Brown | 217 |
Princeton | Bureau | 815 |
Hardin | Calhoun | 618 |
Savanna | Carroll | 815 |
Beardstown | Cass | 217 |
Champaign | Champaign | 217 |
Taylorville | Christian | 217 |
Marshall | Clark | 217 |
Flora | Clay | 618 |
Carlyle | Clinton | 618 |
Charleston | Coles | 217 |
Chicago | Cook | 847 , 312 |
Robinson | Crawford | 618 |
Neoga | Cumberland | 217 |
DeKalb | DeKalb | 815 |
Clinton | Dewitt | 217 |
Tuscola | Douglas | 217 |
Naperville | DuPage | 630 |
Paris | Edgar | 217 |
Albion | Edwards | 618 |
Effingham | Effingham | 217 |
Vandalia | Fayette | 618 |
Paxton | Ford | 217 |
West Frankfort | Franklin | 618 |
Canton | Fulton | 309 |
Shawneetown | Gallatin | 618 |
Carrollton | Greene | 217 |
Morris | Grundy | 815 |
McLeansboro | Hamilton | 618 |
Carthage | Hancock | 217 |
Elizabethtown | Hardin | 618 |
Oquawka | Henderson | 309 |
Kewanee | Henry | 309 |
Watseka | Iroquois | 815 |
Carbondale | Jackson | 618 |
Newton | Jasper | 618 |
Mount Vernon | Jefferson | 618 |
Jerseyville | Jersey | 618 |
Galena | Jo Daviess | 815 |
Vienna | Johnson | 618 |
Elgin | Kane | 847 |
Aurora | Kane | 630 |
Kankakee | Kankakee | 815 |
Oswego | Kendall | 630 |
Galesburg | Knox | 309 |
Ottawa | La Salle | 815 |
Waukegan | Lake | 847 |
Lawrenceville | Lawrence | 618 |
Dixon | Lee | 815 |
Pontiac | Livingston | 815 |
Lincoln | Logan | 217 |
Decatur | Macon | 217 |
Carlinville | Macoupin | 217 |
Granite City | Madison | 618 |
Centralia | Marion | 618 |
Henry | Marshall | 309 |
Havana | Mason | 309 |
Metropolis | Massac | 618 |
Macomb | McDonough | 309 |
Crystal Lake | McHenry | 815 |
Bloomington | McLean | 309 |
Petersburg | Menard | 217 |
Aledo | Mercer | 309 |
Waterloo | Monroe | 618 |
Litchfield | Montgomery | 217 |
Jacksonville | Morgan | 217 |
Sullivan | Moultrie | 217 |
Rochelle | Ogle | 815 |
Peoria | Peoria | 309 |
Du Quoin | Perry | 618 |
Monticello | Piatt | 217 |
Pittsfield | Pike | 217 |
Golconda | Pope | 618 |
Mounds | Pulaski | 618 |
Granville | Putnam | 815 |
Chester | Randolph | 618 |
Olney | Richland | 618 |
Moline | Rock Island | 309 |
Belleville | Saint Clair | 618 |
Harrisburg | Saline | 618 |
Springfield | Sangamon | 217 |
Rushville | Schuyler | 217 |
Winchester | Scott | 217 |
Shelbyville | Shelby | 217 |
Wyoming | Stark | 309 |
Freeport | Stephenson | 815 |
Pekin | Tazewell | 309 |
Anna | Union | 618 |
Danville | Vermilion | 217 |
Mount Carmel | Wabash | 618 |
Monmouth | Warren | 309 |
Nashville | Washington | 618 |
Fairfield | Wayne | 618 |
Carmi | White | 618 |
Sterling | Whiteside | 815 |
Joliet | Will | 708 |
Marion | Williamson | 618 |
Rockford | Winnebago | 815 |
Metamora | Woodford | 309 |
USA States
This page was last updated on August 24, 2020.