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  5. Nebraska Flags


Nebraska Flag

Nebraska Flag


The flag of Nebraska was officially adopted in 1925. It features the 1867 state seal. That seal is representative of Nebraska's agricultural and industrial industries.

LARGER FLAG: View this flag at 800 pixels wide here!

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Nebraska Photographs

Nebraska Cities, Counties & Area Codes

City County Area Code
Hastings Adams 402
Neligh Antelope 402
Arthur Arthur 308
Harrisburg Banner 308
Dunning Blaine 308
Albion Boone 402
Alliance Box Butte 308
Spencer Boyd 402
Ainsworth Brown 402
Kearney Buffalo 308
Tekamah Burt 402
David City Butler 402
Plattsmouth Cass 402
Hartington Cedar 402
Imperial Chase 308
Valentine Cherry 402
Sidney Cheyenne 308
Sutton Clay 402
Schuyler Colfax 402
West Point Cuming 402
Broken Bow Custer 308
South Sioux City Dakota 402
Chadron Dawes 308
Lexington Dawson 308
Chappell Deuel 308
Wakefield Dixon 402
Fremont Dodge 402
Omaha Douglas 402
Benkelman Dundy 308
Geneva Fillmore 402
Franklin Franklin 308
Curtis Frontier 308
Cambridge Furnas 308
Beatrice Gage 402
Oshkosh Garden 308
Burwell Garfield 308
Elwood Gosper 308
Hyannis Grant 308
Spalding Greeley 308
Grand Island Hall 308
Aurora Hamilton 402
Alma Harlan 308
Palisade Hayes 308
Culbertson Hitchcock 308
Oneill Holt 402
Mullen Hooker 308
Saint Paul Howard 308
Fairbury Jefferson 402
Tecumseh Johnson 402
Minden Kearney 308
Ogallala Keith 308
Springview Keya Paha 402
Kimball Kimball 308
Crofton Knox 402
Lincoln Lancaster 402
North Platte Lincoln 308
Stapleton Logan 308
Taylor Loup 308
Norfolk Madison 402
Tryon McPherson 308
Central City Merrick 308
Bridgeport Morrill 308
Fullerton Nance 308
Auburn Nemaha 402
Superior Nuckolls 402
Nebraska City Otoe 402
Pawnee City Pawnee 402
Grant Perkins 308
Holdrege Phelps 308
Pierce Pierce 402
Columbus Platte 402
Stromsburg Polk 402
McCook Red Willow 308
Falls City Richardson 402
Long Pine Rock 402
Crete Saline 402
Bellevue Sarpy 402
Wahoo Saunders 402
Scottsbluff Scotts Bluff 308
Seward Seward 402
Gordon Sheridan 308
Loup City Sherman 308
Harrison Sioux 308
Stanton Stanton 402
Hebron Thayer 402
Thedford Thomas 308
Winnebago Thurston 402
Ord Valley 308
Blair Washington 402
Wayne Wayne 402
Blue Hill Webster 402
Bartlett Wheeler 308
York York 402
This page was last updated on August 24, 2020.