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  5. Alaska Flags


Alaska Flag

Alaska Flag


In 1926, when Alaska was still a territory, this striking flag was designed by an Indian student. It displays the Big Dipper and the North Star, The gold color of the stars represents the state's enormous mineral resources.

LARGER FLAG: View this flag at 800 pixels wide here!

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all USA State Flags here!

ALASKA map here!

Alaska Photographs

Official Seal of the State of Alaska

Alaska Cities, Counties & Area Codes

City County Area Code
Akutan Aleutians East 907
Unalaska Aleutians West 907
Anchorage Anchorage 907
Bethel Bethel 907
Naknek Bristol Bay 907
Healy Denali 907
Dillingham Dillingham 907
Fairbanks Fairbanks North Star 907
Haines Haines 907
Hoonah Hoonah Angoon 907
Juneau Juneau 907
Kenai Kenai Peninsula 907
Ketchikan Ketchikan Gateway 907
Kodiak Kodiak Island 907
Iliamna Lake and Peninsula 907
Wasilla Matanuska Susitna 907
Nome Nome 907
Barrow North Slope 907
Kotzebue Northwest Arctic 907
Petersburg Petersburg 907
Craig Prince of Wales Hyder 907
Sitka Sitka 907
Skagway Skagway 907
Delta Junction Southeast Fairbanks 907
Valdez Valdez Cordova 907
Hooper Bay Wade Hampton 907
Wrangell Wrangell 907
Yakutat Yakutat 907
Nenana Yukon Koyukuk 907
This page was last updated on August 24, 2020.