Australian Capital Territory
- Coastline: 0 km
- Land Area:
(land) 880 sq miles (2,280 sq km)
(water) 30 sq miles (77.6 sq km)
(TOTAL) 910 sq miles (2,358 sq km)
To convert sq km (kilometers) to sq mi (miles)
use our converter - Land Area: (all countries)
- Land Divisions: There are 18 Districts in the Australian Capital Territory. They include: Canberra Central (which includes Inner North and Inner South Canberra), Woden Valley, Belconnen, Jerrabomberra, Majura, Tuggeranong, Weston Creek, Gungahlin, Stromlo, Kowen, Hall, Coree, Paddys River, Cotter River, Tennent, Rendezvous Creek, Booth and Mount Clear.
- Horizontal Width: 8.32 miles (13.39 km) from Urlarra east to Canberra
- Vertical Length: 34.61 miles (55.69 km) from Hall south to the Gudgenby Nature Reserve
Note: Lengths and widths are point-to-point, straight-line measurements from a Mercator map projection, and will vary some using other map projections - Bordering States/Territories: (1) New South Wales
- Geographic Center: About 2.94 miles (4.73 km) south of Gibraltar
- Highest Point: Bimberi Peak 6,273 ft (1,912 m)
- Lowest Point: Murrumbidgee River 1,407 ft (429 m)
- Latitude and Longitude
- Relative Location