Texas State Flag

The Texas state flag, famously known as the lone star flag, is the official flag of the state of Texas. Consequently, the state of Texas has been nicknamed the lone star state.
Design of the Texas Flag
The flag is rectangular in shape. The ratio of the length of the flag to its width is 2:3. The flag features three stripes, one vertical and two horizontal. The color of the perpendicular stripe is royal blue. The width of this stripe is a third of the total length of the flag. At the center of the blue stripe lies the lone star of Texas. The star is a regular five-pointed star, white in color. The start is oriented in a manner that one point of the star faces upwards. If a circle is drawn passing through the five points of the star, the diameter of this circle should cove three-fourths of the width of the blue stripe. The upper horizontal stripe is white while the lower horizontal stripe is dark red. The length of the horizontal stripes covers two-thirds of the total length of the flag.
Symbolism of the Flag
The most significant feature of the Texas state flag is the lone or single star which earns the flag the nickname lone star flag. The star stands for all of Texas and is a symbol of unity of the people of the state of Texas as one for country state and God. The five points of the lone star are also thought to symbolize the five characteristics of a good citizen which include loyalty, fortitude, prudence, righteousness, and broadmindedness. The star has also been shown to symbolize the spirit of independence among Texans. The shade of colors in the flag of Texas is the same as those in the flag of the United States. The red color stands for bravery, royal blue stands for loyalty, and white stands for purity.
History of the Lone Star Flag
Senator W.H. Wharton introduced the flag to the Republic of Texas Congress on December 28, 1838. The proposal was assigned to a Senate committee belonging to the Republic of Teas, chaired by Oliver Jones. The Lone Star Flag was approved as Republic of Texas national flag on January 25, 1839. When Texas joined the Union on December 9, 1845, the Lone Star Flag which was the then the national flag of the Republic of Texas came to be the state flag of Texas. The actual designer of the flag is unknown even though some historians give credit to Dr. Charles Stewart for designing the flag and senator W. H. Wharton for introducing the flag to the Congress.
Previous Texas Flags
Before the adoption of the Lone Star Flag, Texas flew a large number of flags. Many were flown especially during the Texas Revolution which occurred between 1835 and 1836. During the Texas Revolution, Texas was ruled by Mexico. During the revolution, some of the flags that were flown include the Dodson flag, the Come and Take It Flag, the Battle of Alamo Flag, and the Texas Naval Flag.