States That Spend the Most on Christmas

Christmas is celebrated on December 25th each year. Although Christmas was historically a Christian holiday to mark the birth of Jesus Christ, the anniversary has since become one of the largest holidays of the year with some families spending exorbitant amounts on decorations, food, parties, and presents. In the United States, Christmas was a $717.45 billion industry in 2017, and Americans are expected to spend even more this year, nearing $720 million. Of the US states, Arkansas, New York, California, Texas, Nevada, New Hampshire, Utah, and South Carolina spend the most during Christmas, expected to spend over $1,000 on gifts alone.
8. Arkansas
Arkansas ranks 8th in Christmas spirit in the country, but the citizens of the state cherish the holiday season and are always looking forward to the following year. Christmas is an expensive affair in Arkansas because of the culture of spending time with the extended family and buying each family member a gift.
7. California
California is the wealthiest state in the US, and the average household income is about $72,000, which is higher than most states in the country. However, the state ranks among the 10 with the worst Christmas spirit. The cost of goods and service surge significantly during the Christmas period forcing families to spend more. Most families spend their time in parks, with friends, or in entertainment joints.
6. Nevada
Although Nevada ranks sixth in states with the worst Christmas spirit in the country, adults are likely to spend more than $1,000 buying gifts for their families and friends. During Christmas, most people visit major cities especially Las Vegas and Carson City. Families save extra income the entire year to spend during this period, and most others have an extra coin to spare.
5. New Hampshire
Christmas celebrations in New Hampshire is a step above other states in the country because of the decorations used. The citizens of New Hampshire spend significant amounts decorating their houses, streets, and social places. Families spend time merrymaking and exchanging gifts.
4. New York
New York is generally an expensive state to live. The cost of goods and services are far above the national average, and the situation turns to a crisis during Christmas. Families in New York begin preparing for Christmas weeks or months before to evade the high cost associated with the holiday. With an average income of about 65,000, annually most families in the state save extra income throughout the year just to have a memorable holiday.
3. South Carolina
Christmas in South Carolina is celebrated similarly as New Hampshire. People decorate their houses with lights, balloons, and Christmas trees. The families spend time outdoors in fancy restaurants and entertainment places. The median average income of $52,000 is sufficient for families can celebrate Christmas and share gifts without straining.
2. Texas
During the Christmas season households across the United States decorate their houses with lights, but households in Texas take this practice to another level. Families spend exorbitant amounts to ensure that their homes and neighborhood covered by lights of various colors. Decorations account for the largest chunk of Christmas expenditure. With a median income of $48,000 and lower cost of living most Texans have an extra dime to spend during the Christmas period.
1. Utah
Utah has the third best Christmas spirit in the country. People in the state look forward to Christmas when they can spend time with their family and friends indoors or outdoors. Temple Square and Salt Lake City are usually decorated with more than a million lights. The cheaper cost of living in the state provides the extra income to spend during this period.