Religious Beliefs In Alabama

Alabama is an American state in the south-east of the country occupying about 52,419 square miles, making it the 30th largest state in the US. The US Census Bureau estimated that in 2016 Alabama was home to approximately 4,863,300 people, a slight increase from 2010 estimates. Alabama's population density is the 27th highest in the US with about 95 people living in every square mile.
Evangelical Protestant
The largest Christian denomination in Alabama are the Evangelical Protestants who make up more than 49% of the state's population. Various evangelical denominations have a presence in Alabama with Baptists having the most significant presence at around 31% of the population. The first Baptist church in Alabama was constructed in Huntsville in 1808. Southern Baptists are the largest Baptist group in the state at more than 25% of the population. The Alabama Baptist Convention represents the Baptist churches in the state since its creation in 1823. Methodists are also prevalent in the state. Various nondenominational evangelical churches also have a presence in the state.
Mainline Protestants
Mainline Protestants are one of the largest Protestant groups in the state of Alabama. The United Methodist Church is one of the largest groups of Mainline Protestants in the state accounting for about 5% of the state's Christian population. Individually the Presbyterian, Lutheran, and Anglican churches make up about 1% of the Christian community. Presbyterians have had a presence in the state since its founding. Presbyterians in Alabama split from their national counterparts in 1861 and offered their support for slavery. Mainline Protestants have been involved in various social issues during the state's history such as the prohibition on the sale of alcohol.
The Roman Catholic Church
Roman Catholics in Alabama make up about 7% of the state's population. The Roman Catholic Church tried to establish a presence in the state in 1540 when they sent Catholic priest in the area alongside Hernando DeSoto. The population of Roman Catholics in the state increased during the 1880s mainly due to the immigration of Italians into the state.