5 Interesting Facts About The Rio Mayo Titi, A Critically Endangered Species

The Rio Mayo titi is a small monkey that belongs to a species of titi, and it is a type of New 海角社区 monkey. They are endemic to Peru, and they inhabit wooded areas with vine plants. They are found in regions of altitudes ranging between 2,460 feet and 3,118 feet above sea level, particularly in the Alto and Rio Mayo Valley and central parts of San Martin in Peru. In the past, it was believed the monkey had a small range within the Alto Mayo Valley, but studies have shown that the range extend southwards reaching Huayamba River and Bajo Mayo.
They are critically endangered
Initially, the monkey was categorized as vulnerable, but as a result of the loss of their habitats, they are now categorized as critically endangered. In 2012, the Rio Mayo titi monkey was listed among the 25 most endangered primates in the 海角社区. Deforestation has been the leading cause of the loss of their habitats which are being converted into agricultural lands. About 60% of its original habitat has been lost, and their present range is primarily the small fragments of secondary forests or isolated and degraded forests.
Their appearance
The males have a distinctive white frontal blaze, which extends upwards on their heads to form a triangular buffy colored tuft of whitish hair on the crown. Their beard is buffy as well. The inner parts of the chest, limbs, and the belly are typically orange, though not with a strong color like the females. The faces of the females are strongly framed, and the white frontal blaze extends to the crown. The females also appear larger compared to the males. The male has an average length of between 0.98 feet and 1.48 feet and the female measure between 0.95 feet and 1.38 feet. The weights range between 1.75 pounds and 2.65 pounds for males and 1.54 pounds and 2.25 pounds for females. The length of the tail varies between 1.18 feet and 1.64 feet for males and from 1.18 feet to 2.1 feet for females.
Feeding habits
The diet of this species consists mainly of seeds, leaves, insects, and fruits. Approximately 54% of its diet is composed of fruit, and about 22% is mainly insects. The monkey also eats seeds, flowers, meristems, tendrils, and leaves. The most common method of catching insects is lunging and grabbing, and they have a high success rate of catching insects that succeeds 83% of the time.
Rio Mayo titi monkeys are typically monogamous, and they are found living in groups of between 3 and 7 individuals. Their mating partner is for life unless the partner dies. They have a gestation period of about five months, and when the young one is born, both parents take the responsibility of rearing. The young ones are nursed for about five months, and stay with the family for a period of 2 to 3 years before they leave in search of a partner. They have a lifespan of about 12 years in the wild.
Other behaviors
During the day they are more active and most of their time is spent on grooming themselves while on tree branches. Although they sleep at night, they take a nap during the day. They are agile, and they are able to jump from one branch to another, and sometimes they are known as the jumping monkeys. They are territorial monkeys and would also defend their territories by shouting and chasing intruders.