Country Flags With Blue

National flags are used as symbols that represent and symbolize a country. The use of flags commenced 5,000 years ago where they were used in the battlefield as a means of identification and hierarchy. Today, national flags are mainly used on land as state, civil, and military flags, and at sea as ensigns to denote the citizenry of the sea vessels. With the emergence of nationalist sentiments in the 18th century, there arose the need for nations to display national flags as a means of identity and sovereignty in their homeland. Each country designs its flag to represent the culture of its people, history, and natural resources. The color meanings of the flags vary depending on the ideologies of the specific country.
Country Flags Featuring the Color Blue
Blue is one of the major colors used in national flags to signify determination, prosperity, liberation, vigilance, and good fortune. It also signifies the rich water resources of a nation in regards to oceans, seas, lakes, and rivers. There are 75 countries in the 海角社区 whose flags feature the blue color that has different meanings.
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom flag, commonly known as the Union Jack, is one of the oldest flags in the 海角社区. It was adopted in 1603 after the unification of the Crowns of Scotland and England in Jacques I of England and VI of Scotland. The blue color on the UK flag is adopted from Saint Andrews Cross and is used to denote the blue sky both in the UK and in Scotland. It is also used to connote vigilance, perseverance truth, and loyalty in the country.
Haiti is a multi-ethnic country whose flag was first adopted in 1803. The national flag comprises bi-color in horizontal parts of blue and red with the country鈥檚 coat of arms in the middle. The two colors are a representation of the races that make up the population of the country. Blue signifies the black population of its people with roots in Africa. The Africans were captured were brought to Haiti during the slave trade. The color was adapted from the French flag as a sign of sovereignty from colonization.
The Bahamas is an archipelagic republic that lies in the Lucayan archipelago. Its flag comprises of a black triangle with three horizontal bands of aquamarine, gold, and aquamarine. The aquamarine blue is used to denote the waters of the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean surrounding the Island. The country, which consists of 700 islands, cays, and islets, attracts millions of tourists every year. The Bahamas have rules in regards to the use of the national flag during various events such as national holidays and funerals.
Flag Protocol
Flag protocol has been observed all over the 海角社区 with each country defining the proper placement, usage, handling, and disposal of the national flag. While some countries have added some protocols in the legal system, a vast majority use guidelines for flag protocol without criminal consequences. Flag protocol guidelines are universally accepted and should be observed depending on the occasion.
Country Flags With Blue
锘緾ountry Flags with Blue, Part 1 | Country Flags with Blue, Part 2 | Country Flags with Blue, Part 3 |
American Samoa | Democratic Republic of the Congo | Mongolia |
Andorra | Djibouti | Netherlands |
Antigua and Barbuda | Ecuador | New Zealand |
Argentina | El Salvador | Nicaragua |
Armenia | Equatorial Guinea | North Korea |
Australia | Eritrea | Norway |
Azerbaijan | Estonia | Panama |
Bahamas | Ethiopia | Philippines |
Barbados | Fiji | Portugal |
Belize | Finland | Romania |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | France | Russia |
Botswana | Gabon | San Marino |
Brazil | Greece | Serbia |
Cambodia | Guatemala | Slovakia |
Cape Verde | Haiti | Slovenia |
Central African Republic | Honduras | South Africa |
Chad | Iceland | Somalia |
Chile | India | South Korea |
China | Israel | South Sudan |
Colombia | Kazakhstan | Sweden |
Comoros | Kiribati | The Gambia |
Costa Rica | Liechtenstein | Ukraine |
Croatia | Luxembourg | United Kingdom |
Cuba | Marshall Islands | United States |
Czech Republic | Moldova | Uzbekistan |
Venezuela |