
Countries Requiring The Fewest Procedures To Build A Warehouse

Automatic storage warehouse for small parts.
Automatic storage warehouse for small parts.

Warehouses are commercial storage areas for goods. Most businesses involving the manufacture, export or import of goods require warehouses to store their goods. The lesser the number of formalities required to start a warehouse, the faster the process of setting up new businesses. These countries below require the fewest procdures to build a warehouse:


In Guyana, the first procedure involved in building a warehouse is to obtain a building permit from the Mayor and the City Council of the town. Three copies of the plans must be submitted to them to start the processes, which can take 90 days to complete. In the next three steps, the Mayor and the City Council will send the plans to the Central Housing and Planning Authority where they are revised and then forwarded to the Fire Department and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The Fire Department will review the building plan and make necessary changes or recommendations to the building plan. At the same time, the EPA will review the plans to ensure the warehouse would not harm the environment. Once the Central Housing and Planning Authority gets the reviewed plans back from these two agencies and everything looks clear, they approve and issue the planning permit for the warehouse. This whole process usually takes around 90 days. Once the warehouse has been completely built it receives a full inspection from the Fire Department and the warehouse gets a seal of approval if it passes. This inspection process usually takes 60 days. In the final two steps, the warehouse would have a septic tank installed and obtain a water connection from Guyana Water Inc. in a process that usually takes around 40 days.


In Georgia, the first step in building a warehouse is to request the terms of construction for the warehouse from the Tbilisi Architecture division of the Tbilisi Hall. It takes around 15 days to obtain the terms of construction if approved. In the second step, the builder would have to go back to Tbilisi Architecture to request and be approved for a building permit to start construction. In the third step, the Tbilisi Supervisory Service Agency will conduct inspections during to construction to make sure the project is on track. In the fourth step, the Tbilisi Supervisory Service Agency will do a final inspection of the site once construction has been fully completed to make sure the warehouse passes. In the fifth step, the water and sewage service would be connected once the conditions have been obtained from the Georgian Water and Power Authority. Once the connection is complete, the Georgian Water and Power would do a final inspection on it and sign off. The sixth step involves submitting the appropriate documents to the Tbilisi Supervisory Service Agency to request and obtain an exploitation of building construction. Finally, the appropriate documents must be submitted to the National Public Registry to officially register the warehouse.


In Sweden, the first step towards building a warehouse is to hire an externally certified supervisor from a licensed private company to oversee construction. In the second step, the builders must go to the Building Committee of the Municipality they are in to hold a technical consultation meeting on the warehouse. In the third step, the building permit is either granted by the Building Committee if it is deemed to be in accordance with the Municipal Comprehensive Plan or can be obtained through the Detailed Development Plan (DDP). This process usually takes 60 days. In the fourth step, the builder will meet again with the Building Committee before construction to get a decision on commerce construction. In the fifth step, once construction has been completed, the builder, the hired supervisor, and the Building Committee hold one last meeting and go over the supervisor's final report on the building. The sixth step has the builder go to the Stockholm Water Company to obtain a water and sewage connection, which is then installed in the warehouse. Once the warehouse is fully completed, and all requirements have been met the Building Committee issues the final certificate to the builder that the warehouse is good to go.


In Denmark, the first process to building a warehouse involves bringing all necessary documents to the municipality to request and obtain the building permit. In the second step, the Municipality will issue a foundation permit to the builders have they received the building permit. It takes around 30 to 50 days to obtain both permits. In the third step, before construction starts, the builder must complete and send the necessary form to the Centre of Construction to let them know that construction work on the warehouse is going to start. In the fourth step, the various supervising authorities will go to the construction site to conduct construction and safety inspections. In the fifth step, once construction on the warehouse is finished, the builder must then notify the Centre of Construction that construction on the warehouse is completed. In the sixth step, the Municipality does a final inspection of the warehouse, and if the warehouses pass through, then the builder receives an occupancy permit. Finally, the builder has to request and obtain permission to have HOFOR A/S connect the sewage and water to the warehouse.

Marshall Islands

In the Marshall Islands, the first step in building a warehouse is to file a signed and certified affidavit with the Clerk of Court to show where the funds for construction of the warehouse are being obtained. The second step involves the builders going to the Historical Preservation Office to request and obtain a consultation letter in case the construction of the warehouse interferes with a historical area, or historical objects are found during construction. In the third step, the builder must go to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to request and obtain the type of development activity permit that they require before construction. In the fourth step, the EPA will come and do an excavation inspection of the site during construction of the warehouse. In the last three steps, the builder goes to the Majuro Water and Sewer Company to apply for water and sewage connection to the warehouse once construction completed. Once the application is accepted, the Majuro Water and Sewer Company goes to the warehouse to inspect the site and give a cost estimate. Lastly, the Majuro Water and Sewer Company will install and connect the water and sewage to the warehouse.


In Bahrain, the first process that must happen when building a warehouse is to go to the Municipality to obtain an inquiry information certificate. The builder's submitted application is reviewed by a municipal engineer, the Urban Planning Directorate, and the Roads Directorate before receiving the inquiry information certificate. In the second step, the builder must hire a private consultant agency that has surveyors obtain a land survey of the future warehouse site. In the third step, the private consultant agency submits their drawings, along with any other required documents to the Municipality to be reviewed and obtain the final building permit. In the next two steps, the builder must go to the Civil Defense and Municipality to have them both do a final inspection on the completed warehouse. In step six, the Municipality will give the builder a certificate of completion upon the finished warehouse passing their inspection so that the power connection can be installed in the warehouse. In the seventh step, the builder goes to the Water Distribution Directorate in the Ministry of Water and Electricity to obtain a water connection to the warehouse. Finally, the builder must go to the Sewage Planning Directorate in the Ministry of Works to obtain a sewage connection for the warehouse.


In Cyprus, the first step in the construction of a warehouse is to go to the Department of Lands and Surveys to request a copy of the site plan that is needed. The second step involves the builder going to the Town Planning Department and applying for a town planning permit. The third step involves the builder going to the Municipality of Nicosia with all of the necessary documents to apply for a building permit. In the next two steps, after construction is completed the builder will go back to the Municipality of Nicosia to apply for a final inspection of the finished construction on the warehouse. Members from the Municipality of Nicosia then come to the construction site to do a final inspection on the warehouse and it the inspection is passed the builder receives a certificate of final approval. This process takes around 75 days. In the sixth step, the builder must send an application package with the appropriate documents to the Departments of Lands and Surveys to officially have them update the land title. This process usually takes 240 days to complete. In the last two steps, the builder will contact the Nicosia Sewerage Board to request and obtain a sewage connection and a water connection to the warehouse.


In Germany, the first step in the process of constructing a warehouse is to apply at the Building department to obtain a building permit. In the second step, the builder will hire an independent engineer to verify the static calculations for the construction of the warehouse. In the next two steps, the builder must have a fire safety inspection from the District Chimney Sweeper and an inspection from the Building Department on the completed building shell of the warehouse. In the fifth step once construction on the warehouse is fully complete the Building Department will do a final inspection to deem the warehouse usable or not. The last three steps involved the builder going to the Berliner Wasserbetriebe to apply for a water connection to the warehouse. The Berliner Wasserbetriebe will go to the warehouse to do an inspection and if passed will install the water connection.

United Arab Emirates (UAE)

In the UAE the first step in constructing a warehouse is to apply for all of the required No Objection Certificates (NOCs), gain approval from the Dubai Civil Defense Authority and to obtain a building permit from the Building Department of the Dubai Municipality. This process usually takes around a month to complete. In the second step, the builder must go to the Building and Housing Department of Dubai Municipality to request and get an inspection on the foundation work of the warehouse. In the next two step once construction is complete, the builder must contact the Fire Department in Civil Defense and the Building and Housing Department of Dubai Municipality to request and receive a final inspection on the building from both of them. In the fifth step, the Building and Housing Department of Dubai Municipality grants a building completion certificate upon the warehouse passing their inspection. In the next two steps, the builder contacts the Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) to obtain a request for an inspection and final approval on a water connection for the warehouse. Once obtained the DEWA will complete the water connection. In the last step, the Drainage and Irrigation Department is contacted to build and install a septic tank for the building.

Countries Requiring The Fewest Procedures To Build A Warehouse

RankTen Part TemplateProcedures Required to Build a Warehouse
5Marshall Islands7
9United Arab Emirates8

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