Countries Least Accepting of Same Sex Marriage

In some nations, legislative actions and legal proceedings have given public recognition to same-sex marriage. Although not legally recognized, there was an increase in cases of same-sex marriages in the 20th century. The first law enactment that provided for same-sex marriage took place in the Netherlands in 2001. Despite the question of same-sex marriage being a widely debated topic, some countries have passed laws accepting it. The countries leading in legalizing same-sex marriage are western countries and countries of the Americas including the United Kingdom and the United States among others. Some countries have stood firm in opposing the same-sex marriage citing it as unreligious, uncultured, and unacceptable. Leading in rejection of the practice are African and Asian countries. Below is a look at some of the countries that are least accepting of same-sex marriage.
Countries Opposing Same-sex Marriage
Armenia - 96%
Armenia does not have any legal or social legislations that govern same-sex marriages. Despite the legalization of homosexuality in 2003, not much has changed. Due to discrimination from family and friends, many gay people have been isolated. Many parts of Armenia recognize same-sex marriage as taboo and different studies have shown that Armenians find same-sex lovers strange. However, there is no legal protection for people in same-sex relationships despite their right's constantly being violated. Armenia is ranked 47 out of the 49 European countries for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) rights.
Georgia - 95%
Georgia is among the few nations in the former Soviet Union that has criminalized discrimination against LGBT individuals. Despite this protection, locals consider same-sex marriage as being against Christian values. Gay people are constant targets of abuse and even physical violence. According to a social attitude questionnaire in the country, homosexuals are the most disliked people in society. The same study showed that 91.5% of people from Georgia think that same-sex marriage is unacceptable. According to research by Pew Research Center, 95% of Georgians are opposed to gay marriage.
Moldova - 92%
The Constitution of Moldova bans same-sex marriage or civil unions. The Orthodox Christian Church which dominates the country influences this prohibition by law. However, homosexuality between consenting adults has been legal in Moldova since 1995. The society in Moldova has remained homophobic as evident by statements by politicians that discriminate against LGBT individuals. According to research by Pew Research Center, 92% of the people of Moldova do not accept same-sex marriage as they say it undermines Christian values.
Despite laws prohibiting discrimination of individuals who have same-sex relationships, the practice to legalize same-sex marriage has not been widely accepted by most people in our society. Some factors have led to discrimination by friends and families including cultural and religious beliefs. To some, same-sex relationships are unacceptable. Many nations are still debating the subject of same-sex marriage but there seems to be a long way to go before marriage is accepted and legalized.
Countries Least Accepting of Same Sex Marriage
Rank | 锘緾辞耻苍迟谤测 | Percent of Population in Objection (Source: see final paragraph) |
1 | Armenia | 96 |
2 | Georgia | 95 |
3 | Moldova | 92 |
4 | Bahamas | 90 |
5 | Russia | 90 |
6 | Kazakhstan | 89 |
7 | Lithuania | 85 |
8 | Ukraine | 85 |
9 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 84 |
10 | Honduras | 83 |
11 | Serbia | 83 |
12 | Belize | 82 |
13 | Guatemala | 82 |
14 | Peru | 82 |
15 | Belarus | 81 |
16 | El Salvador | 81 |
17 | Paraguay | 80 |
18 | Suriname | 80 |
19 | Bulgaria | 79 |
20 | Latvia | 77 |
21 | Nicaragua | 77 |
22 | Guyana | 76 |
23 | Ecuador | 74 |
24 | Romania | 74 |
25 | Dominican Republic | 72 |
26 | Panama | 72 |
27 | Algeria | 71 |
28 | Estonia | 71 |
29 | Greece | 70 |
30 | Indonesia | 69 |