Birds That Start With C

Some of the birds whose names begin with C include the crow, the cockatoo, the carrier pigeon, the chicken, the cuckoo, the Canada goose, the chickadee, the cormorant, cockatiel and the canary. The article below enlightens on the characteristics of these unique birds
10. Crow

Crows are black birds known for their adaptability to different habitats and for producing loud harsh sounds. The birds, which belong to genus Corvus in the Corvidae family, are composed of 40 species found across the globe in diverse habitats. The unique characteristics of crows are their high level of intelligence. They have an inerasable memory coupled with great problem-solving skills. Crows have clear communication skills and will mourn one of their own by gathering around the body of a dead member. The omnivorous birds lay 4 to 5 eggs which hatch after 18 days. Crows are said to have a lifespan of up to 14 years.
9. Cockatoo
A cockatoo is a type of parrot that belongs to Aves Class of the Cacatuoidea Superfamily in the Cacatuidae family where 21 other species of birds belong. The birds are distributed in Australia, Philippines, Solomon Islands, New Guinea and parts of Indonesia. Their unique feature is having a showy crest, a curved beak, and a waddling gait. The birds have colored feathers on the cheeks, crest and the tail. Their strong broad wings enable them to fly at high speed of up to 43 miles per hour. The cockatoo is comparatively larger and stockier than other birds in the parrot group while the plumage is less colorful. Their diet comprises of seeds, corns, fruits, tuber, and insects. The monogamous birds make nests in tree hollows where they lay eggs. The survival of the diurnal birds is endangered by the shortage of the tall hallow trees after human beings cut down the large trees.
8. Carrier Pigeon

Carrier pigeons got the name for their ability to carry small parcels or messages from one point to the other during the ancient times. The birds are stout in appearance with short slender bills and a short neck. Their body is covered with dense feathers which have a fluffy base. The feathers fall off easily when touched, a mechanism that enables them to escape from predators. Carrier Pigeons are found on almost all habitats except the driest deserts and the very cold zones. They feed on fruits, seeds, and small plants. Carrier pigeons are unique birds in that they are monogamous. It is only after the death of one mate that the survivor can seek a replacement. Females lay 2 white eggs which are incubated by both partners until they hatch.
7. Chicken
Chicken is the most common domesticated fowl in the universe. They provide meat, eggs and are reared as pets. Males, also known as roosters are distinguished from females by their elongated plumage of flowing tail, a long fleshy crest found on top of their head, wattles and their larger size. Chicken are poor flyers but may occasionally fly a short distance to flee danger or to explore the surrounding. The gregarious birds lay numerous eggs which the female sits on for about 21 days. Artificial reproduction can be done by placing fertilized eggs in an incubator, provide the necessary temperature and humidity, then wait for 21 days for the chicks to form. Chicken communicate by producing various sounds such as crowing and clucking while the chicks produce short clucking noise.
6. Cuckoo

The cuckoos belong to Cuculidae family and the only taxon in Cuculiformes order. They are medium-sized birds with a slender body and a long tail. The feet are zygodactyl in nature meaning that two outer toes face backward while two inner ones point forward. Cuckoos are of two body forms namely the slender and short known as the arboreal species and the long and heavy tarsi known as the terrestrial species. Few species of cuckoos live on the ground while the majority live on trees in tropical forests where they forage for insects and fruits. While a sizeable majority of the species lays own eggs and brood them, some are brood parasites whereby they lay eggs on nests of other birds of similar species. The solitary birds are cosmopolitan in distribution except in Antarctica and the driest deserts.
5. Canada Goose
Canada geese thrive best in the wild where they live close to freshwater bodies. The neck and head of the large goose species are black, while the body is brown. The cheeks and under the chin are white. Canada geese are monogamous with the female laying an average of 5 eggs which are followed by an incubation period being 24 to 28 days. Canada geese are herbivorous with proven ability to thrive even in human-altered environments such as in urban or cultivated lands. The migratory bird sometimes reaches Europe but is native to North America. The birds were introduced to the U.K, the Falkland Islands, Argentina, New Zealand, and Chile.
4. Chickadee

Chickadees birds belong to Order Passeriformes, Paridae family in Genus Poecile. The birds got their name from the distinctive sound they produce which sounds like Chick-a-dee-dee-dee syllables. The medium-sized birds' measures between 2.4 and 5.5 inches have a unique crown on their head and a patch on the throat which is darker than the other parts of the body. The birds are common in North America. There are various species namely the boreal, the Carolina, the chestnut-backed, the Mexican, and the Mexican Chickadee.
3. Comorant
Cormorant belongs to Genus Phalacrocorax in the Phalacrocoracidae family which is a family that includes over forty species of aquatic birds. Also known as shags, the birds can be either large or medium with a thin, long hooked bill and dark feathers. They dive for fish, an adaptation enabled by short wings and webbed feet which propel them to deep waters. Once they catch fish, they patch on the shores, spread out their waterproof wings in the sun for thermoregulation and for balance. They build nests along water shores, on cliffs and islets where they lay chalky blue eggs. They hatch annually to chicks that are given food by regurgitation
2. Canary
Canary birds were initially natives of Macaronesia Islands which include the Canary Islands, Madeira and Azores. The canary birds thrive in captivity where they have been domesticated since the 17th century. The Spanish sailors brought them to Europe where they were kept as fashionable, expensive and popular birds among the high class in the society such as the kings and monks. Later they were reared by other classes of people after the Italians bred them in large numbers giving rise to numerous breeds. Canary birds were used in coal mines to detect the presence of toxic gases. The birds are famous for their voices and singing ability. There are three varieties of canary namely the color-bred canaries which have numerous color mutations, the type canaries which take different body conformations and the song canaries famous for their ability to sing different song patterns. Annual canary competitions and displays are carried out by breeders in Europe.
1. Cockatiel

Cockatiels are highly prized, easy to domesticate companions. The bird is native to Australia although are currently found in other parts of the 海角社区. Cockatiels are able to express their emotional status using the erectile crest which is a bunch of hair on the head. When excited the crest is dramatically vertical, it is flat when it is angry or in an act of defense while it is gently oblique when the cockatiel is relaxing. The distinguishing feature is a long tail which can be as long as half the length of the bird. The cockatiels are vocal birds hence can be taught to utter numerous words and sing certain melodies. cockatiels are unique in that they have a total of 22 color mutations.